If you’re looking for tips to boost your social media marketing strategy, ways to introduce technology into your practice, ways to write blogs that deliver results and more, then you’ve come to the right place! This roundup has five of our favorite reads from the week, so be sure to give them a read!

1. The Ultimate Social Media Marketing Checklist [Infographic] via Social Media Today

If you’re looking to get your social media strategy on track, then this checklist is for you. How can you generate more leads? Financial advisors are incredibly busy, so many times social media and marketing get put to the wayside. This infographic will help you to streamline your strategy and get you on the right track.

2. Episode 110: Introducing New Tech Into Your Practice, and Your Clients Lives via The Advisor Lab

In this episode, they sat down with Scott Frank, founder of Stone Steps Financial, who has built a unique client experience for years leveraging new tech and different life planning approaches. Tune in to learn how you can boost the client experience and get more time back in your day.

3. The Financial Advisor’s Guide to Writing Blogs that Deliver Real Results via Three Crowns Marketing

Blogging is an integral part of your marketing strategy, but you don’t have to be a lifelong writer or incredibly creative to be good at it. It’s more about getting a process in place that you can easily replicate. And when you blog, you can educate your clients, showcase your expertise, reach more prospects and get a voice for your firm. Learn how you can get started and keep your content marketing strategy running like a well-oiled machine.

4. 3 Pro Tips for Balancing Messaging & Visuals in Your Marketing via RedZone Marketing

As a financial advisor, you have a lot of content to share, so it’s easy to get stuck on the messaging side. There are so many great images and infographics to share, so how can you balance messaging and images? Three ways to do this are:

  1. Know your audience
  2. Remember that white space is your friend
  3. Your visuals should have a purpose

And your visuals don’t have to be an image or a graph…they can be a quote or a splash of color, anything to add to the content.

5. Strategic Event Marketing: How To Find and Engage Ideal Clients With Elyse Stoner (Ep. 375) via ProudMouth

Events are a great way to engage with clients and prospects. But, before you organize an event, ask yourself how it fits into your overall marketing strategy.

Tune into this episode to hear Matt Halloran speak with Elyse Stoner, founder and chief strategist of Fresh Perspective Consulting and co-founder of Custom Strategic Marketing for Wealth Advisors. She explains how you can optimize your event marketing to find your ideal clients and motivate them to act and engage.

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