Advisor Marketing: What to Outsource vs. What to Insource

As an advisor, you have a lot on your plate. To grow your business, you need to market your firm…but this leaves less time for your clients. This is where outsourcing comes in!

In this webinar, Chief Marketing & Experience Officer, Susan Theder, and President & Financial Advisor of Heimensen Wealth Advisors, Corey Heimensen shared how he made decisions regarding what parts of his marketing efforts he chose to outsource to free up his time to focus on other areas of his business.

The Objective of Marketing Activities

The Objective of Marketing Activities

  • The primary objectives for investing in marketing activities are to deepen relationships, improve communications with existing clients, and acquire new clients

The Marketing Activities You Should Keep In-House

The Marketing Activities You Should Keep In-House

  • In-house marketers should focus on their website, client communications, and social media

The Importance of Content Creation

The Importance of Content Creation

  • 64% of marketers outsource their writing in some way.
  • 90% of clients interviewed consider their advisor’s communication frequency when deciding whether to refer.
  • Timely content is crucial (ensure you have content ready to go – or someone dedicated to create content – as soon as news drops).
  • Just one to two blogs per month can boost your leads by 70%.
  • A Successful Social Media Strategy requires frequency, consistency, and relevance, and outsourcing can be a game changer in helping you post more regularly with strong content.

What Outsourcing Should Accomplish

What Outsourcing Should Accomplish

  • It should free up your time. Advisors who outsource their marketing typically free up 30% of their time.
  • It will improve the quality and results of your marketing. Hiring a firm specializing in marketing - and who you believe is a thought leader in marketing best practices will keep you ahead of the curve - AND yield better results.
  • Less expensive (and less work) than hiring and managing an internal resource.

Corey’s Recommendations

Corey’s Recommendations

  • Outsource your marketing foundational elements.
  • Budget a small amount of time each month to make the content your own and incorporate those things that a vendor/partner just can’t do for you like posting pictures, sharing podcasts, making videos and hosting events.
  • Outsourcing the key fundamentals enables you to free up the time to do the things that together make for tremendous success.

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