Growth Hacks for Advisors from Our CMO and a Top Financial Advisor

Tune in to hear how Chad Parmenter, has found marketing success at his firm. Chad shared how he has leveraged FMG to increase engagement with clients and prospects and build a strong brand strategy for his business while catering to a particular niche.

In this webinar, Chad Parmenter and Susan Theder reveal the secrets to Chad’s outstanding success in marketing his services with the help of FMG.

He shared specific details on:

  • How catering to a specific niche has helped boost his business (Mirus Planning works with clients facing big life transitions that are typically emotional and complex)
  • The role that content marketing plays at his firm (The type of communication cadence they have and the type of content are they sharing)
  • Chad’s best website practices and what elements make his website stand out and attract high-quality leads
  • His effective email cadence and how often he communicates with clients and prospects

“It has really given us a sense of rhythm. It’s relevant, it’s timely and it’s well-written.”
– Chad Parmenter

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