When it comes to your business, you want to be certain that you have the right marketing strategies in place to grow your firm, boost your brand and stay ahead of the curve. And now, more than ever, communication is key, so how can you make sure that you are keeping your clients “in the know” and that your marketing is doing the most for you and your firm? In this webinar, Susan Theder, Chief Marketing and Experience Officer at FMG, Samantha Russell, Chief Evangelist and Dave Christensen, Chief Product and Technology Officer shared exactly what you need to do to ensure your marketing strategies are ready for summer and that you’re setting your clients up for success. Some of the key points they discussed were:
- The importance of maintaining consistent client communications
- Sharing timely content with your clients
- Social media marketing tactics: Top Do’s and Don’ts for social
- Our new “Do It For Me” marketing program-and more!
They covered so much great information, and we hope that you are excited about all the new things to come at FMG plus you can take away at least a few actionable tips to boost your marketing strategy and grow your business over the summer and beyond. And if you would like to view the slides, you can do so here.