Every financial advisor wants to find the best ways to bring free traffic to their site. But increasing website traffic doesn’t always mean spending a lot of money. In many cases, generating traffic can be nearly free. With some investment in different marketing strategies, you won’t need to spend a dime.

10 Top Free Traffic Sources for Financial Advisor Websites

What really brings in an audience is being able to grab their attention from multiple different sources. Whether that’s social media, email, or something entirely different, putting in time can lead to some of the best traffic improvements, conversion rate boosts, and client acquisition rates. All it takes is to know where to focus your efforts.

Now, here are 10 of the top free traffic sources for financial advisor websites:

Social Media Free Traffic Sources

Facebook Free Traffic

One of the most popular social media platforms, hosting over 2 billion daily active users, makes Facebook a great place to garner free traffic. Allowing advisors to engage with their followers and expand their audience through the use of creative posts, unique ideas, and more. Being able to post anything from a paragraph of text to videos you’ve created. Facebook is the most flexible social media.

In our case, financial advisors should use Facebook as the main hub for their social media content. Using it to link to other socials such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. That means the more you interact and post on Facebook, the more overflow there’ll be to your other socials and, most importantly, your advisor site.

Instagram Free Traffic

Next, we have Instagram, a hub for images and videos. Smaller than Facebook, with about 500 million active daily users, but still just as impactful. Allowing advisors to share images, infographics, and videos they’ve found or created. Instagram is a more content-based site, as text is used much more sparingly. It’s important for the advisor to portray their ideas and thoughts through visuals and drive traffic to their website by posting valuable content pieces.

For a financial advisor, use Instagram as a place to share images and videos you find important for clients to watch. But that doesn’t mean everything has to be serious. Try throwing in some lighthearted videos or images to keep that friendly social media feel on your page. This will be sure to drive traffic to your site as long as you have it linked.

Twitter Free Traffic

We now have the famous blue bird, Twitter. Known for its 180-character limit tweets, Twitter is a great site to share your thoughts on current events or topics. The character count helps limit you from writing too much and helps you package your thoughts into a short and sweet paragraph. Interact with other tweeters and share their posts to create engagement with users. Like other social media, you’re free to share videos, images, and much more.

On Twitter, it’s important to ensure your page is up to snuff, so add a good profile picture, bio, and of course, be sure to link to your website.

LinkedIn Free Traffic

Finally, we move on to the most professional of the social media sites, LinkedIn. A great place for professionals to connect with each other and share great ideas. To successfully garner traffic on LinkedIn, it’s important to interact not only with followers but also with other professionals. It’s recommended that you reply to posts and participate in conversations that highlight industry expertise. It’s a great way to show you know what you’re talking about and attract people to your profile and then hopefully to your website.

Content-Based Free Traffic Source


For our first content base traffic source, we have blogging. A tried and true method that all financial advisors should be taking advantage of. Blogs are a great way to entice online users onto your site by providing them with interesting and informative content. The best thing about blogs is that they’re basically an endless pool of content as long as you’re willing to take the time and write them.

In most cases, any topic can be turned into a blog, whether it’s about current economic policies or the advisor industry climate. There’s always something new to write about, providing advisors with a flow of interesting writing that’s sure to attract traffic to your website.


Next, we have the new king of content, which is video. The video has become the most watched and wanted form of content, with 91% of consumers wanting to see more online video content from brands, businesses, and of course, advisors. One of the best parts about video creation is that advisors are able to create different forms. Whether they want to create long informative videos or short more entertaining ones, their job is to ensure that they make the right video type for their audience.

Even more impressive is that 86% of marketing professionals use video as a form of marketing. Using it to market their product to online users and bring in free traffic to their site.


Lastly, we have podcasts, a relatively new content type that has exploded in recent years. As of 2023, there are over 464 million active podcast listeners, projected to reach 504 million by 2024. As an advisor, podcasts are an excellent way to voice your opinion without interruption for a few hours. You can also invite other advisors onto your podcast and host intriguing conversations, interviews, and discussions that really get people thinking. Try talking about new laws being enacted that might affect the economy or why investing in a certain way is a good or bad idea.

To really get traffic flowing to your site, try including a freebie during your podcast that can be found on your website.

Other Online Ideas for Free Traffic


For the first of our other online ideas, we have webinars, which are online events in which a set of speakers presents to an online audience of users in the industry. These can be based on current events, new updates in the industry, or anything else that might be important to financial advisors. Sometimes it’s just a place for advisors to interact with each other without having to meet in person. The one caveat is that not all webinars are created equal, meaning that while some platforms are free, others might not be. It depends on certain factors, like the size of the webinar and the site you’re hosting it with.

If you’re looking to automate the process of doing events such as webinars, check out FMG’s events page. With FMG, you can easily automate even promotions, so you don’t have to worry about invitations or pre-event planning.


Similar and related to podcasts, interviews are a great way to bring in free traffic for both you and the person you’re interviewing. Schedule interviews with other professionals in the industry to highlight their thoughts on what’s going on in the world or the industry itself. Interviews are an amazing way to create discussion among peers while showcasing advisors who want to get their name out there. It’s a win-win for both sides as it creates free traffic that both can use to send new people to their sites.


Lastly, we have a favorite of ours which is Q&A which is a combination of webinars and interviews. But instead of hosting another advisor, you’ll be the one answering the questions. It’s a great opportunity to invite clients and prospects to ask questions about your business, the industry, and more. Clients will enjoy the live engagement, and prospects may be motivated to convert.

Use this as an opportunity to not only drive free traffic to your site but also potentially convert prospects to new clients.

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