Even though a new social platform seems to launch every day, Facebook still reigns supreme in audience size. And when it comes to the most effective way to communicate on Facebook, video is still your best option.
Video is an engaging, dynamic medium that enables you to sell the emotional aspects of your message and leave a lasting impression on your audience.
The following are some pointers for creating more engaging Facebook videos that produce results.
Use an Enticing Thumbnail Image
In video advertisements, the thumbnail is the still image that appears before and after the video plays.
When you upload a video to Facebook, you can select a still image from your video or upload a unique picture you have created. Whichever you choose, it is essential to make sure you use a compelling image.
Use a high-quality picture that communicates the value of the video. For example, if the video is simply you talking, make sure you have a good headshot. Sometimes a random still image from your video will catch you at an awkward moment. This is not a great look.
You may have heard that thumbnails can only contain 20% text. However, this rule was changed in 2020. You can use an image with as much text as you want.
Add Captions to Capture More Viewers
This is a big one.
According to the recent Facebook statistics, viewers watched 83% of Facebook videos on mute. So if you aren’t adding captions, you leave a considerable portion of your potential audience out of earshot.
Even people who watch videos with the sound on can benefit from the inclusion of captions. Studies show that when we receive information through multiple mediums (or multimodal), we are up to 4 times more likely to retain the information.
Adding captions isn’t as complicated as it might seem. If you want, it can be as easy as clicking a button. You can also write your captions in what is called an SRT file and upload that.
After you upload a video, there will be a captions tab. Simply click the “Generate” button if you would like Facebook to use its increasingly intelligent algorithm to create captions for you.
Write an Exciting Title
Grabbing the attention of the modern social networking consumer can be tricky. They are bombarded with messaging all day.
On top of that, studies show that weak titles don’t just fail to evoke interest. Instead, they create negative impressions. And that judgment happens in 1/10th of a second.
A video’s title is the perfect place to swiftly and succinctly explain what the video is about.
Your video title will appear if someone visits your link directly and will also show up in the Facebook search results. It’s one of the first things people will see as they skim through to decide which video to watch.
Make sure you are clear. Make certain people know precisely what value you’re going to deliver through your video. After 30 characters, search results are trimmed, so provide the most relevant information at the beginning.
Use Keywords as Tags
By adding tags to your video, you can make it stand out in Facebook search results. If you type tags into the Tag field, the autocomplete feature will suggest tags. Likewise, if you begin to type in the Tag field, suggestions will appear. In addition, you can add your tags to your videos if the predetermined tags don’t pertain to your video.
For each video, you can assign up to eight tags. Keywords are the terms people use when they search for videos related to yours. Using tags that provide as many keywords as possible will help people find videos like yours on Facebook.
Write a Dynamic Description
There are more than two billion searches every day on Facebook, so optimizing your videos for examination will be worthwhile.
After you have identified which keywords to use as tags, include those words in your video description. Think about what someone who needs your services would search online. Tailor your description to this person.
Using video in your social marketing is a solid strategy. Advisors who take advantage of this powerful medium on this massive platform are setting themselves up for success.